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  • Santa Maria Ausiliatrice complex – Venezia

Santa Maria Ausiliatrice complex – Venezia

In the 1990s the IGEFI Group acquired the Santa Maria Ausiliatrice Complex in Venice. The building dates from the Eleventh century circa, when “Casa di Maria Ausiliatrice” was built to shelter the pilgrims of the Holy land. From the Fourteenth century, after many transformations, the building was used as a Hospital for the poor. Under the supervision and with the collaboration of the “Soprintendenza per i Beni Ambientali e Architettonici di Venezia”, DV Real Estate carried out the recovery plan of the historical building; followed by the role of project manager carrying out the works for the complete refurbishment of the building, safeguarding all the artistic, historical and cultural features.

The building was then given to the Municipality of Venice (2001) who assigned it as a centre for cultural activities and a residence for students.